The Cambridge Centre for Palestine Studies (CCPS) is delighted to be launching its Book Discussion Series, which aims at presenting and discussing books published about pertinent issues to Palestine in various academic disciplines.
The Cambridge Centre for Palestine Studies is delighted to be launching a book discussion series, which aims at presenting and discussing books published about pertinent issues to Palestine in various academic disciplines. We have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in a discussion on Revd. Dr. Munther Isaac’s most recent book: The Other Side of The Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope. This will be the first webinar in our 2021 book discussion series. Revd. Dr. Isaac will be discussing how the Bible has been used by Christian Zionist supporters of Israel to justify the occupation of Palestine and Palestinians and consequently create a reality of separation and discrimination. Moreover, Revd. Dr. Isaac will be demonstrating the modalities Palestinian theologians formulated as a distinct response by offering an alternative view of the Bible and the role of faith in challenging injustice and working for a just peace
Given the global pandemic, and until further notice, the CCPS Book Discussion Series will be held via online facilities. With the contribution of an author and other guests, a panel will be formed.
The output will be posted on the website of CCPS and will be an integral part of its resources.
Kindly note that the webinars will be conducted in ENGLISH.
In order to receive the Zoom address, please make sure to let us know on either:
Many thanks and best wishes,