Teamup's Year view provides a long-range view of calendar data. Table view shows calendar data in a spreadsheet-like format. You can use these two views in conjunction to get better insights from your calendar data.
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For example, a small manufacturing plan needs to efficiently schedule their production line.
They use Year view to see when major orders are coming through and when different parts of the line are under higher demand than normal. This long-range view helps them to schedule material orders in advance, avoid supply chain issues, and prevent bottlenecks in the production line. They can also see when downtimes occur and use those times for equipment maintenance, employee training for certifications, etc.
In Table view, they can sort the calendar data to see what might be impacting higher or lower demand, resource availability, or scheduling conflicts. For example, here's a view of one month with a higher-than-usual demand. Sorting by the Job Number column reveals that the higher demand all comes from one large project rather than a change in production types or an increase in smaller orders.
See more about annual organizational planning, a hotel's Year view use case, using Table view to replace spreadsheets, how to do annual reviews and planning, and calculating with Table view.