The Beacon Camera Club for photographers at all levels is determined to be the best camera club in the Midlands in the United Kingdom! From its website:
"If you've ever thought about improving your photography, look no further..."
They have a huge program with 100+ activities, covering a multitude of photographic genres and interests.
"A main meeting every Thursday night, 49 weeks of the year, at which quality presentations enlighten us with a wide range of subject matter, competitions, practical events, critique evenings, etc.."
Check out this embedded program calendar and discover a new world of photography!
We love this feedback from club webmaster Ian Thompson:
"Teamup provides for us a central, no-overlaps point of reference and booking-making for all our group organisers and our 100 members. We have been complimented on the way that our programme calendar operates.
Teamup makes our lives easier than having to manage our programme manually."
Thank you, Ian, for sharing your experience and the great work your club has done for the benefit of your members and your local community. We're glad Teamup can be of support and contribute a little to your success.