Scenario: Adult siblings want to set up a shared family calendar for coordinating visits, family events and vacations, and transportation/help for their parents as needed. They would like all adult members of the family to be able to add their own events to the calendar.
In this scenario, each sub-calendar will represent an individual. So the first step is to create one sub-calendar for each adult member of the family.
It may also be helpful to set up a sub-calendar for notes, etc.
Event fields
Add a custom choice field to identify and filter events by type.
Add each family member as a calendar user and assign access permissions so each person has Modify access to their own sub-calendar, Modify-my-events access to the Notes sub-calendar, and Read-only access to other sub-calendars.
Here's an example of the access permissions for Markus:
This allows each person to add and update their own schedule, and add/modify their own events on the Notes calendar, but not change events on anyone else's sub-calendar.
Now each family member can add their own events and plans to their sub-calendar. They can also add events to the Notes sub-calendar for sharing information with other members of the family. Family members can see each others' schedules, make plans, and coordinate more easily for family events or caretaking needs.