To get a daily report of which staff members are out of the office, you can use the Daily Agenda feature:
Set up a dedicated sub-calendar to track staff location and availability (e.g. PTO, travel, work from home, out of office, etc.) Name it something suitable (e.g. Staff Availability) so it's easy to identify.
Set up access for all staff members who add their own plans/PTO to the company calendar so they have add-only or modify-my-events permission for the Staff Availability calendar.
When any staff member or supervisor adds an event indicating availability or travel plans, the event should be always be assigned to the Staff Availability sub-calendar (in addition to other relevant sub-calendars, depending on how your calendar is set up).
Subscribe to the Daily Agenda email for the Staff Availability sub-calendar.
In the calendar, go to Preferences > Change Notifications.
In the Preferences dialog, go to Daily Agenda, then set your preferences and choose the Staff Availability sub-calendar:
As the calendar admin, you can also set up a Daily Agenda subscription for other staff members who need to receive the information about staff availability.