Join our next "Sharing In Sangha" Open Mic Night in both the Dirt and Cloud Zendos!
The event will consist of sangha members sharing in expressive or creative ways - playing or singing music, reciting poetry, telling a story or jokes, acting out a scene...or make it "show & tell," sharing something you've created (arts & crafts), a special skill you have (pet training, gardening, playing a sport, etc) or sharing photos from a recent trip or event.
Pretty much ANYTHING is encouraged as long as it helps the sangha get to know YOU better!
The event will involve both Dirt and Cloud sangha members, so each sharing slot should be NO MORE than 8-10 minutes - but can be shorter if necessary.
Please note - once everyone who is interested in participating has signed up, we'll send an email with more information.
Please submit this form to express interest in participating no later than end of day Friday, February 8 2025.
Thank you for your continued practice and your contributions to sangha - as the Buddha said, it is the whole of the practice!
For direct questions or comments, please contact the organizer James Gregg by clicking here.