NTRANS has the pleasure of welcoming you to a new season of our bi-weekly lunch box webinars. This spring semester the webinars will take place on Wednesdays at 12-13.00.
Petter Christiansen works as an adviser and project manager in the Climate Agency in the City of Oslo. His background is MSc in energy and environment from NTNU and he has for the last 5 years worked on electrifying the mobility sector, primarily heavy-duty vehicles. Oslo is a front-runner globally of becoming a zero emission city. However, this brings some new challenges. Will the electric grid cope when all transport, construction and port operations is electrified? How can solutions such as digitalization, energy storage and distributed energy production help us electrifying the city by 2030? In his presentation on the Lunch webinar he will present the barriers the City of Oslo face what they need research to on.
For more, check out the report «Forsert elektrifisering av tungtransport og bygg og anlegg»: https://www.klimaoslo.no/collection/forsert-elektrifisering-av-tungtransport-og-bygg-og-anlegg/
Click here to join the meeting
Best regards,
Tomas Moe Skjølsvold, Vice Director NTRANS