Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6322726393
About this Call
There are two entry points to the Deep Adaptation conversation we intend to explore in the course of Now What?! activities.
The simplest and most direct is to ask, in the face of accelerating collapse: How can we build local Resilience? What have we lost which can be Restored? What can/must we Relinquish in the face of accelerating change? What must be Reconciled in order to establish productive human relations for the future?
Another revealing way to enter this conversation is to inventory our individual attitudes about our current circumstances, to examine their implications for focusing our energies and to share these results with each other.
About Deep Adaptation
Deep Adaptation is a relatively new perspective about addressing the global social and environmental collapse already underway. It emerged from an assessment of current climate data leading to conclusions that 1) the advance of environmental damage is accelerating to a point now beyond our control, 2) the aggregate strategies and tactics employed by the environmental movement have failed to arrest or reverse the ongoing damage 3) the immediate priorities now before us are to develop adaptive strategies to elevate our Resilient capacities, Restore what is being lost, Relinquish what is no longer required for a viable future and Reconcile existing conflicts that stand as obstacles to that future. In this interest, the Deep Adaptation Forum Professions Group (2700 members) and the Positive Deep Adaptation Facebook Group (9000 members) were launched within the past year.
About Your Host
Gary Horvitz is a writer/activist in central North Carolina forming a Deep Adaptation working group, developing a curriculum/deep dive and bringing the DA perspective into City administration and planning.
For more info, please contact Gary Horvitz: gary@spontaneouspresence.net