Made improvements to payment method management and subscription flow for adding extra users.
Email notifications and push notifications for past events are only supported with certain paid plans, which now includes the Pro plan. Previously, Business plan was required.
Webhooks are supported with all plans but webhook support for past events has the same restrictions as with the past-event notifications. See details in the API documentation.
As part of our effort to ensure accessibility for all, the Teamup service undergoes regular independent audits. Our latest accessibility conformance report (ACR), also called a VPAT report, is available on our accessibility page.
Updates for the text editor (event description and event comments). This update addressed some security issues and improved support for Markdown formatting:
Start a line with a dash or an asterisk to begin a bulleted list
Start a line with 1 to begin a numbered list
Start a line with # or ## to create a header
*italic* becomes italic
**bold** become bold
Create a horizontal line with --- (add a space behind the dashes)
We also released a new version of the Teamup app for both iOS and Android with several improvements and bug fixes.
updates, software, product, improvements, fixes, features