Through interactive parent-child activities, parents will learn language & strategies to support their child to create healthy, feel-good friendships. This session will review concepts taught at URSTRONG Schools through our Friendology 101 curriculum to reinforce a common “language of friendship”. Please note all students in Years 3-7 will be participating in the URSTRONG programme this year. More information and zoom link to follow.
Parents are invited to join an interactive URSTRONG online workshop to learn the strategies and common language used at Corpus Christi to support our children in fostering healthy, feel-good friendships. Classes 3-7 participate in school-based activities; however, the workshop is accessible to all junior parents from across K-7 classes. Please see below for details.
Date: Thursday March 27
Time: 6:00 - 7:15pm / When it’s time: CLICK HERE TO JOIN
Meeting ID: 832 0306 9952
Password: URSTRONG