To decarbonize the transport sector, different technologies will be needed. Biofuels can play a critical role, especially for long distance transport
In this workshop (requested in the NTRANS Use Case 3b on freight transport between the big cities) we target the role of biofuels in decarbonizing the Norwegian transport system.
We aim to target questions like: What is needed (in terms of policies, infrastructure, etc) to ramp up the usage of biofuels? For how long can we use biofuels as a transition fuel? How sustainable are biofuels? Why is the infrastructure for liquid biogas not coming of the ground?
To supplement the knowledge from our partners in the transport domain, we have brought in experts on biofuels and sustainability aspects for this workshop.
09:00-09:10 Welcome Steffen Bakker, NTNU
09:10-09:20 Introduction to biofuels Judit Sandquist, SINTEF Energy
09:20-09:30 Decarbonization of Norwegian road freight and the role of biofuels
Kari Espegren, IFE
09:30-09:40 The sustainability framework for biofuels in the EU and Norwegian biofuel policy Mats Nordum, Miljødirektoratet
09:40-09:50 Sustainability aspects of biofuel production in the Norwegian context
Otávio Cavalett, NTNU
10-minute break
10:00-10:50 Discussion
Moderator: Steffen Bakker, NTNU
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