Modern culture taught you to be a “good boy” or a “good girl”, to do as you were told by your parents, teachers, and bosses. Maybe you were great at it or you rebelled, either way the reference was outside of you because they knew better; they were older, wealthier, or had more experience. You were never quite enough, you needed to do, earn and know more. Raised in hierarchies, you learned to give away your Centre. Even now you are looking for an authority figure, and finding Value outside of yourself.
Do you ever wonder, when will it be my time? Life is passing you by and somehow you are stuck doing the things you think you have to do. You numb the pain of this with video games, netflix and alcohol or maybe you have moved onto yoga and meditation - yet you still have a yearning inside for something else. When you are at saturation point, the numbing does not work and you explode like a volcano, hurting the people you love which consumes you with guilt and then the cycle repeats itself. This is Groundhog Day. You might think this is normal. Yes, it is – and normality is killing life on Earth at an increasingly rapid rate; if we are unable to feel the pain, and the appropriate rage, at the destruction humans are wreaking, then it will only continue.
In this training you will discover that something completely different is possible right now - to grow up and become an Adult using your Conscious Anger. With this powerful resource you reclaim your dignity, and can take responsibility for your life and the choices you make. Feeling your Anger consciously will give you clarity to know what you want and are here for, and to unveil what you care about and are committed to.
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