The System Composter - Composting the COP26 - Expectations, Rage, Lobby, Agendas
Part of this edition of
What did we bring to the COP26?
Some of us came expecting that "COP26 will fail", some of us expected some kind of "success". What does it mean for a Conference of Parties to fail or succeed?
What can we learn from the diversity of things we brought to these two weeks? What does it say of us, as individuals, as communities, as a global collective?
And... What did we actually bring to the COP26?If we would take the number of delegates as a measure of the size of the Parties taking part in the Conference, the largest by far would be the "Territory of Fossil Fuel Lobby". If we add all other delegates bringing an explicit profit-making agenda, I reckon that would be at least half of the world represented in the Conference. I hope this gives an idea of the extremely biased view of the official negotiations.But what about the rest of us? I'm sure I brought at least one agenda. I know some of the groups I work with brought clear agendas. How does that influence our interactions and behaviour? How does that affect the overal outcomes?What were / would have been your agendas at COP26?
Come and listen to stories of people in Glasgow, and bring your own!
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