Rebranding Celebration Lunch and Learn with AMA on Angel Investing
Tue Feb 6, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Signup Deadline Feb 2 12:00pm
VS Asheville
VentureSouth Asheville Members & Guests
Asheville Chamber of Commerce, 2nd floor Board Room. 36 Montford Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
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VentureSouth Asheville is excited to invite the community to a special Lunch and Learn event hosted at the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. This event marks the official announcement of the chapter's rebranding from Asheville Angels to VentureSouth Asheville.
Welcome and Introduction:
Overview of VentureSouth Asheville's 10-year journey and contribution to the Southeastern startup ecosystem.
Rebranding Unveiling:
Official announcement and unveiling of the new VentureSouth Asheville identity.
AMA Session on Angel Investing, Balancing Control in Angel Investing, Board Service and Responsibilities:
Engaging Ask Me Anything session on angel investing, providing attendees with the opportunity to ask questions to seasoned investors, addressing the crucial aspects of maintaining a balance of control in angel investing, with a focus on board service and responsibilities.
Jeffrey Kaplan, Executive Director of Venture Asheville
Paul Clark, Managing Director of VentureSouth
Lunch is included, but RSVP is required.
Please join our community to join in the celebration, marking not only a decade of success but also the beginning of a new and exciting chapter as VentureSouth Asheville.