Welcome to NTRANS UC3-P1 H2 value chain maritime coordination meeting
When: 25.06.2020 kl. 09:00-11:00 (can be extended if necessary)
Where: Zoom Webinar, with link information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 648 5710 6608
Password: 478489
Note 1: To ensure an effective meeting, I would ask everyone who has committed to activity in UC3-P1 or intends to inform on activity during this meeting; to send Geoffrey Gilpin (geoffrey.sean.gilpin@hvl.no) a few sentences summarizing their: preliminary research questions or themes, participants, deliverables and relevant user partners involved.
Note 2: Additionally, to ensure that this coordination meeting is manageable and effective, we would like to limit this meeting to those who have already committed to activity in UC3-P1, or who intend on informing and/or discussing planned activity during this meeting.
If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact Geoffrey Gilpin, geoffrey.sean.gilpin@hvl.no