Join us for a celebration event of the HCWP project on 8th March at Muir of Ord Free Church Hall from 11am to 3pm where we will showcase initiatives from the past 3 years. A great opportunity for the repair café to spread the word, fundraise and attract new customers and volunteers to the team.
Repair Café (Main Hall): The aim is for the repair café team to promote the repair café, demonstrate repair, fundraise and attract volunteers. Ideas include tool sharpening for a donation for each item sharpened to fundraise? And / Or carry out repair demonstrations on a rota basis? The sewing group could carry out basic repairs / demonstrate upcycling which would complement the clothing sale and fashion show. Any ideas most welcome. Pop any suggestions in the comments section or contact Laura to discuss. (
Event Activities:
Vintage and second-hand clothing sale
Fashion show with UHI fashion students
Café area serving tea, coffee, and cake
Workshops (In breakout rooms):
Composting and growing
Natural cleaning products
Beeswax wraps
Fermenting and pickling
Sourdough bread making
Canning produce
The venue has a large hall and 2 break out rooms. The kitchen has an abundance of provisions, a serving hatch, and instant hot water.
Please sign up if you can volunteer at the event.
(Even if you can't volunteer, everyone is invited to join in the celebrations)
Promotional materials to follow
Happy to help in any capacity and will bring a cake