If you frequently use event comments and/or event signups, you can save time by setting these fields to be enabled by default with your preferred settings.
👩💻 Calendar administrator: Go to Settings > Event Fields to adjust these settings.
For event signups, click the Edit icon next to Signups.
Then adjust the settings so the Signups field is enabled by default. You can set the default signup deadline and max number as desired. Choose your most used settings (e.g., deadline 1 dat before with a maximum number of 10 people) to save time as you add events with signups. Whenever needed you can adjust the settings for individual events.
For event comments, click the Edit icon next to Comments.
Check the box to make the Comments field enabled by default, and choose which users can view comments.
All new events created on the calendar will have these settings by default, so you won't have to adjust them for each events. See more about event signups or event comments.