We've added a new feature: you can now duplicate a Teamup calendar, generating a new Teamup calendar with copied sub-calendars and/or basic settings. Calendar events and sharing settings are not included in the copied calendar.
This feature is only available to calendar administrators.
How to duplicate a Teamup calendar
In a browser, open the calendar and go to Settings > General Settings.
Scroll to the Duplicate Calendar section and click the Duplicate button.
Choose whether to duplicate sub-calendars, settings, or both. Then click the green Duplicate button:
Duplicating sub-calendars: The sub-calendar structure will be duplicated. Calendar events and iCalendar feeds are not included.
Duplicating basic configuration: The default settings will be duplicated. Sharing settings (links and users) are not included.
A pop-up will provide the admin user link for the new calendar copy. Click to open it or copy and paste it into your browser bar.
Example of a duplicated calendar
The original calendar
The calendar copy
Note that the copy does not include any iCalendar feeds that may be part of the original calendar.