Community Mass is an annual event which gathers the Corpus Christi College community for the celebration of the Eucharist in the first term of a new academic year. It animates for students, staff and families the College’s Catholic Identity and helps those new to our community to understand some of the theology around being the ‘Corpus Christi’ or the ‘Body of Christ’. It is a chance for students to grow their religious and spiritual capabilities.
Students in Years PP-12 will need to arrive at the College no later than 5.10pm:
PP to Year 6 students will meet their Classroom Teacher on the oval in their designated area, their teacher will be waiting for them from 5.10pm. Here attendance will be recorded.
Senior School students will meet their Home Room Teacher in their Home Room Classroom from 5pm. Here attendance will be recorded and at 5.20pm students are to make their way, with their Home Room Teacher, to Mass and be seated according to the plan.
Students in Kindergarten will be seated with their families in the allocated seating area (an event map will be shared the week before the event).
Students in Years PP-6 will sit with their classes, students in Years 7-12 will sit with their Home Rooms.
Students in Pre-Primary during Offertory Procession will leave their seats and make their way to the back. They will bring forward the gifts together.
All students in PP-11 will sit on the grass. A chair will be provided for each class’s teacher to aid with supervision. Year 12s will be provided with chairs.
Since this is a special celebration of the Eucharist, all behaviours need to show reverence to the occasion. This includes being quiet and prayerful during the Mass, wearing the College uniform in accordance with the guidelines, and following teacher instructions during the Mass.
Student dress = House Uniform (students with a role wear academic uniform)